Renter's Insurance FAQ's
Renter's Insurance Requirements
The landlord’s insurance does not cover a Tenant for loss of the Tenant's personal property, furnishings, or belongings or any tenant liability issues. It is required that all Tenants have a Renter’s Insurance policy.
What is Renters’ Insurance?
Renters insurance is a policy that provides protection for damages you cause to your home and can also include personal liability coverages and/or coverage for your belongings. Policies and coverages will vary. EVERGROW Property Management does offer a TTPP Renter’s Insurance Policy.
What is Total Tenant Protection Plan (TTPP)?
Total Tenant Protection Plan (TTPP) is the Renter’s Insurance policy available through EVERGROW Property Management.
Do I need renter’s insurance or TTPP?
Per your lease agreement, EVERGROW Property Management and/or landlord requires you to furnish insurance to protect the home/unit. As a resident of a property managed by EVERGROW Property Management, you will be automatically enrolled in the TTPP insurance policy unless you opt out and supply an alternate renter’s insurance policy.
What’s covered under the TTPP policy?
- $100,000 of property damage
- $100,000 of personal liability
- $25,000 of dog bite coverage if you have a registered animal.
- $10,000 personal contents coverage.
What type of events are NOT covered under my TTPP policy?
- Vandalism/intentional damage
- Pests (ie. squirrels, mice, ants, roaches, etc)
- Flood damage
- Wear and tear
- Theft or misplacement of personal property EVERGROW Property management’s TTPP policy includes coverage for burglary. However, theft is excluded. Theft is different from burglary in that burglary relates to incidents involving forced entry into the home/unit. Theft, which is excluded, pertains to mysterious disappearances without any evidence of forced entry.
- Natural causes (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.) If these are covered, it typically would be through the homeowner’s policy.
What are my out of pocket expenses?
Your monthly premium is included in your TTPP policy. Additionally, like any insurance you will be responsible for any applicable deductible which can range from $0 to $500 depending on the claim type.
What if I don’t want the TTPP policy coverage?
If you do not wish to automatically enroll in the TTPP policy, you can purchase an HO4 renters insurance policy and customize your coverages as long as they meet the following requirements:
- Policy is purchased from an A rated carrier
- Policy meets or exceeds the required $100,000 in property damage and personal liability
- EVERGROW Property Management is listed as additional interest
- InsuranceSupport@SecondNature.com is also listed as additional interest, if carrier allows
- EVERGROW Property Management address is listed as: 1680 W. Main Street, Greenwood, IN 46142
Is my roommate covered?
The TTPP policy will cover the residence up to the specified policy limits and would apply to roommates as well. If you choose to purchase a customized policy instead of opting into the TTPP policy, roommates may NOT be automatically covered. Roommates can typically be added as additional insureds for an incremental premium.
Can I keep my policy if I move?
If you are enrolled in the TTPP policy, please contact support for questions about transferring coverage. If you have purchased a separate policy or have a third-party policy you can transfer coverage upon your move. Please reach out to your carrier to update your address.
How do I know what my policy covers?
EVERGROW Property Management will provide details on the TTPP policy before you enroll. If you choose to purchase a customized policy, you will be provided with details during the purchase process and a sample policy. You can edit the type of coverage and settings you want such as coverage limits, deductible, and start/end dates. Once you have paid, you will instantly receive your issued policy via email.
How do I pay for my policy
Your monthly premium amount is included in your TTPP Lease Addendum. You will get charged every month on the same day as your first transaction, unless noted otherwise. If you choose to purchase a customized policy, you will have to pay according to that company’s policy.
Can I switch over if I already have an active insurance policy?
Yes, if you would like to enroll in the TTPP policy, let your EVERGROW Property Management know and you will be enrolled automatically. If you purchase a new TTPP policy, please call your current carrier to cancel your existing policy. Make sure there is no lapse in coverage dates when making the change.
If I report a loss or have bad credit, will my premium be affected?
A credit report is not run during the time you purchase your TTPP policy and has no effect on your premium rate.
How do I update my information?
To update any information such as name, email and phone number, log into your account and click on the profile section.
How do I make a claim?
Fill out the online claim form at filemyclaim.io Include the following information:
- Your Name/Contact:
- Address:
- Management Company Name (EVERGROW Property Management)
- Description of loss.
*If you have a third-party policy, please contact your carrier to submit a claim
How do I cancel my policy?
TTPP Policy; Simply advise EVERGROW Property management of your decision. Please note, you will need to provide an updated proof of coverage from your new policy if you choose to cancel your TTPP policy.
Customized Renter’s Insurance policy; Contact the support number provided on your policy and reach out to a representative for assistance.
Where can I change my payment information?
To edit your payment information for a customized Renters Insurance policy, please contact the support number for your carrier.
How do I reset my password?
On the login screen, click the ‘Forgot Password’ button, which will trigger an email to reset your password.
Who can I contact for more information or assistance?
General Support and Questions Regarding your TTPP Insurance
- Email: insurancesupport@secondnature.com
- Phone: (800) 673-1289
TTPP $100k Master Policy Coverages
Covered Perils:
Property Damage Liability $100k per occurrence / $0 deductible
- hidden
- Fire
- Water Backup of Sewer
- Mold Remediation
- Drain or Sump
- Explosion
- Smoke
- hidden
- Falling Objects
- Unique Inclusions
- Overflow of Appliances
- Freezing Pipes
- Collapse
Limits and deductibles vary
- hidden
- Mold Remediation
- Bed Bug Remediation
- Pet Damage
- Loss of Rental Income
- *Coverage applies only to damage caused by the resident.
- *Mold, Bed Bug, Pet and Loss of Rental Income coverage is subject to sublimits and deductibles.
- *Mold and Loss of Rental Income must result from a covered claim.
- *All coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the issued policy.
Resident Contents
Covered Perils:
$10k per occurrence / per residence premises / $500 deductible
- hidden
- Fire / Lightning
- Wind / Hail
- Smoke
- hidden
- Water Leaks
- Explosion
- Burglary
Resident Personal Liability
- hidden
- Personal Liability: $100k for tenant premises liability / $0 deductible
- Dog Bite Liability: $25k per occurrence / $0 deductible
- Additional Living Expense **$3,000 per occurrence
- *No breed exclusions
- **Additional living expenses must result from a covered claim. All coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the issued policy.
TTPP Policy Exclustions
Property Liability Exclusions
- hidden
- Natural Causes
- Wear and Tear
- Equipment Breakdown
- Flood
- Intentional Damage
- Water Losses Originating Off Premise
Resident Contents Exclusions
- hidden
- Off Premise Losses
- Flood and Frozen Pipes
- Theft**
- Overflow of Sewer or Sump
- Water Losses Originating Off Premise
- *These are common exclusions across all resident insurance programs and policies. These items can often be covered by landlord property insurance. Property managers should check with their agent or carrier.
- **A loss is considered “theft” when it's a mysterious disappearance with no evidence of forced entry.
Renters Insurance Program is provided by Second Nature Insurance Services, LLC. (NPN 20224621)